Mental Health Online Terms and Conditions
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PERSONS OUTSIDE OF AUSTRALIA: This website and related services has been designed for persons resident in Australia only.
If you are accessing this website from outside of Australia you acknowledge and agree that:
(1) the information in this web-site is to be used for educational purposes only;
(2) as an educational resource, this website is not a medical service or device and is not registered with any overseas regulatory body or professional association; and
(3) that any actions (or omissions) taken a result of information obtained on this web-site are at your sole risk and Swinburne University of Technology takes no responsibility for any consequences or outcomes that may arise.
Please read the Terms of Use carefully. If you agree to the Terms of Use you may use the General Psycho-Educational Information and register and use the Online Psychological Assessment (e-PASS) system. If assessed as a candidate for the Self Help and/or Therapist Assisted Treatment Programs, you may proceed to undertake treatment with the NeTC. If you do not wish to be bound by the Terms of Use, you are not permitted to register for or use the services on this website.
Services provided on this website, titled ‘ Mental Health Online', are provided by Swinburne University of Technology ("Swinburne"), through the National eTherapy Centre (NeTC).
1 Acceptance of Terms of Use and Amendments
Each time you use or cause access to this website, you agree to be bound by the site's Terms of Use. In addition, if you are using a particular service on or through this website, you will also be subject to any rules or guidelines applicable to that service.
2 Services
2.1 Website Contents
The services on the Mental Health Online website consist of three main parts:
- General Psycho-Educational Information;
- Psychological Assessment (e-PASS) and
- Self Help and Therapist Assist Treatment Programs.
The services on the Mental Health Online website will not be appropriate if:
- you are in a crisis situation (see Head to Health crisis links)
- your personal safety is an issue (see Head to Health crisis links)
- you require specialist medical treatment; and/or
- in respect to the Self Help or Therapist Assist treatment programs, you do not have an anxiety disorder or symptoms.
Further information regarding each of the services is set out below:
2.2 General Psycho-Educational Information
The Psycho-Educational Information is intended as a general introduction to the six (6) anxiety disorders addressed by the Mental Health Online website. It is intended as information only, and is not intended to describe entirely the symptoms suffered by any one individual falling within one, or any, of the six anxiety disorders. However, if you complete the e-PASS, you may obtain an assessment of your propensity toward one of the anxiety disorders (excluding Specific Phobia) treated by the Mental Health Online website. Best-practice evidence-based diagnosis of mental disorders is at this stage only available directly from a mental health care professional.
2.3 Online Psychological Assessment (e-PASS) system
The online psychological assessment program (e-PASS) is a pre-requisite to obtaining treatment through the Self Help and Therapist Assisted Programs. If e-PASS determines that the Self Help and Therapist Assisted Programs are inappropriate or ill-suited to your diagnosis, you are advised to consider the recommendations made by e-PASS to seek alternative assistance or therapy beyond the Mental Health Online service. You are also advised that e-PASS has been developed through expert consensus and based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition - Text Revision) (DSM-IV-TR). Ongoing observation of, and research into, the utility and accuracy of e-PASS ensures that the diagnostic results provided to users are as accurate and appropriate as possible given the limitations of the online service. e-PASS is not intended to substitute for traditional best-practice clinical assessment by a mental health professional.
2.3.1 Limitation of Liability
The NeTC accepts no liability for incorrect results provided by e-PASS. If, after receiving results from e-PASS, you feel stressed or anxious because of those results, or you otherwise feel that the results are inaccurate or inappropriate, you are advised to contact your nearest health care professional. The NeTC accepts no liability for loss or damage suffered due to your use of the diagnostic results, or any action taken by you in response to the diagnostic results.
2.4 Therapist Assisted Program
2.4.1 Services
You may choose to obtain treatment through a Self Help or Therapist Assist Treatment Program. Each program is completed over 12 weeks, uses evidence-based treatment content, interactive online tools and activities and email, chat or video therapy (Therapist AssistPrograms only). Both the Self Help and Therapist-Assist Treatment programs are free of charge and use the services of eTherapists who are people who have completed online eTherapist training, and who meet either of the following qualifications:
- a student undertaking post-graduate study in psychology (with an Australian Psychological Society accredited University) and at minimum, has probationary psychologist registration and is under the supervision of a fully registered psychologist; or
- a fully registered psychologist.
2.5 Limitations of Services
Whilst there are benefits to mental health services being available online, it is also acknowledged that there are limitations to the services provided on the Mental Health Online website. The services available on the Mental Health Online website are not intended to replace traditional forms of face-to-face psychotherapy. Therefore, if at any time you believe that the Mental Health Online website services do not meet or address your needs, or give rise to other concerns about your health, you are advised to seek the services of an appropriate health care professional.
3 Research
The information you provide may be used to evaluate the services provided on the Mental Health Online website.
For example, the information collected could be used when reporting on the progress of Mental Health Online to our funding body and for research purposes such as publications. All of your data will be analysed (and reported) in a de-identifiable form.
In addition, you may be further invited to participate in other related research, including the testing of the reliability, validity and user experience of e-PASS.
For more information about how we collect, store and use your information, please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement.
4 Modification or Discontinuance
NeTC exclusively reserves the right to, and may at any time and without notice and any liability to you, modify or discontinue this website and its services or delete the data you provide, whether temporarily or permanently. NeTC has no responsibility or liability for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, inaccuracy, or improper delivery of any data or information.
5 Privacy Policy Statement
Registration data and other personally identifiable information that the NeTC may collect is subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy Statement.
6 Security and Confidentiality
6.1 Security
NeTC does its best to protect the Mental Health Online website from security breaches by employing banking industry security features. NeTC has a security certificate, which means they comply with the security requirements of certification authority. However, the provision of services through this website is subject to security risks inherent in any internet service. Whilst the NeTC endeavours to ensure that your personal information is secure, it is not possible to safeguard against all possible breaches of security. You are advised to ensure that the computer terminal from which you send email and messages from is secure.
6.2 Confidentiality
eTherapists may print and keep on your file a copy of the transcripts of sessions. All records are stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy Statement. and in the same manner as face-to-face health record-keeping practices.
6.3 Limits to Confidentiality
The NeTC reserves the right to report to relevant authorities, such as the police or child protection authorities, situations where a client or associate of a client is judged to be at risk of self-harm, or of harming others, particularly if it the risk is to a person under 17 years of age. eTherapists are also obliged to report to police certain information obtained about the commission or suspected commission of a criminal act.
6.4 Communication of Information to Others
6.4.1 Professional Purposes
Where information is used for professional purposes, it may only be communicated to persons legitimately concerned with your case within the NeTC. Confidential information will only be disclosed in these circumstances where:
- your identity is concealed;
- your consent to the disclosure is obtained prior to starting the Therapist Assist Program;
- the recipient of the information has been given prior notice of their privacy obligations in relation to the information; and,
- the recipient of the information has given an undertaking not to disclose the information to others.
6.4.2 Supervision
eTherapists, who are under supervision, will need to discuss their cases with their supervisor. By accessing the Therapist Assist Program you will accept that in order to obtain the services from an eTherapist under supervision, you will need to provide consent to any disclosure about your case that needs to occur between the eTherapist and their supervisor. If you are receiving treatment through the Therapist Assist Program, your emails may be downloaded and printed by the eTherapist for these purposes. Any document used for these purposes will mask your identifying data and will be disposed of in accordance with Policy on the Conduct of Research and Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics.
6.4.3 Research
Where information is used for the purposes of research and publication, strict adherence will be had to the Policy on the Conduct of Research. If used for research and publication purposes, your information be analysed in a de-identifiable form and dissemination of the results will not contain material capable of identifying you.
6.5 Ethics and Professional Guidelines
eTherapists, in providing online services, will be registered (probationary registered and supervised or fully registered) with their relevant state psychologist registration board, and shall adhere to the Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics and the relevant code of behaviour applicable in the eTherapist's state of registration.
6.6 Withdrawal
You may withdraw from further participation in any of the services at any time.
6.7 Feedback
Technical difficulties should be reported to your eTherapist. These difficulties will be negotiated with you to ensure a fair outcome. Any feedback or comments regarding the NeTC website should be directed to [email protected]
7 Your Responsibilities
7.1 Age
Access and use of e-PASS, Self Help and Therapist Assisted Programs is only permitted to persons 18 years or older. You are required to confirm during registration for e-PASS and the Self Help and Therapist Assisted Programs that you are 18 years or older.
7.2 Registration
In order to use the e-PASS and the Self Help and Therapist Assisted Programs, you must register on the Mental Health Online website, and agree to provide truthful information when requested. When registering, you agree to these Terms of Use.
7.3 Password
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and shall be responsible for all uses via your registration and/or login, whether authorised or unauthorised by you. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorised use of your registration, user account or password.
7.4 Confidentiality of Your Data
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any data you download onto your computer. It is your responsibility to delete or keep safe emails and transcripts of online conversations that you download or print out. You should be aware that even deleted files can still be accessed.
7.5 Your Conduct
When using the Self Help and Therapist Assisted Program, you have responsibility for:
7.5.1 Attending to and participating in weekly activities and communications with your eTherapist when using the Therapist Assisted Programs;
7.5.2 Conducting your email communications in a way that will maximise your ability to benefit from it. (e.g. not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, not be experiencing a state of crisis) when using the Therapist Assisted Programs;
7.5.3 Undertaking e-PASS in a way that will maximise your ability to benefit from it. (e.g. not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, not be experiencing a state of crisis)
7.5.4 Giving the eTherapist relevant information in order for him/her to assist you when using the Therapist Assisted Programs; and,
7.5.5 Completing the e-PASS post-assessment and follow-up assessment(s) when using the Self Help and Therapist Assisted Programs.
7.6 Your Use of eTherapist Electronic Communications.
You explicitly agree not to forward or copy email messages or other electronic communications from our eTherapists to other persons, except in circumstances where this has been agreed in advance by your eTherapist, and is done with the written consent of your eTherapist. You may not copy and paste bits of text or use the eTherapist's advice out of context, or pass on the advice to a third party.
8 Investigation by the NeTC
The NeTC may take steps, if necessary, to investigate any violation of these Terms of Use, including the recording of any communications or materials in its services.
9 Copyright and Intellectual Property
Material contained on the Mental Health Online website is copyright © Swinburne University of Technology (except where otherwise indicated) or is used with permission or under licence. You may download, print and reproduce this information in an unaltered form for your own personal use. All other rights are reserved. Requests for further permission to use this material should be directed to:
National eTherapy Centre, [email protected]
10. Suspension of services
If the National eTherapy Centre believes you have breached any of these terms then your right to access these services and website may be immediately suspended. In that event, you agree that you will have no claim against Swinburne University of Technology for any direct or indirect costs or losses that you may have experienced or incurred as a result of this suspension.